We pride ourselves in providing high quality premium pet foods.

After years of consideration and multiple attempts to find existing pet foods which were tailored for dogs, living in tropical climates Happy Home Pet Products was established to fill a void which had for so long been evident and even more so ignored.

We know that to help dogs to be at their best, it takes the right every day nutrition. At Happy Home we are dog lovers and for long have studied and observed to understand them – this is directly shown in how we approach their nutrition.

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At Happy Home we are passionate about making high-quality balanced nutrition for your dog and wholly committed to their safety. We offer a precise nutrition for your dog’s everyday nutritional needs. And our pet foods are formulated to support their unique needs like healthy digestive system, healthy skin and coat, optimal health and strong muscles.

This makes us a distinguished provider and Number 1 Choice for nutrition throughout your dog’s life. Happy Home will continue to make the same high quality healthy nutrition for your dogs.



The presence of vital antioxidants in our foods strengthen the immune system, prevent infection and maintain healthy eyes


These essential fatty acids help to maintain a healthy heart and support the cardiovascular system.